On April 6-11, the faithful of St. Mark's celebrated services throughout Holy Week.
Holy Monday-Holy Wednesday - 04/06/15
On Holy Monday-Holy Wendesday evenings, parishoners gathered to celebrate the Bridegroom Matins
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Holy Thursday - 04/09/15
On Holy Thursday morning, the faithful celebrated the Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great. In the evening, the Matins of Holy Friday with the 12 Passion Gospels was also celebrated.
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Holy Friday - 04/10/15
On Holy Friday, the faithful, along with His Eminence, Archbishop MARK, celebrated Royal Hours in the morning, Vespers of Holy Friday with the Placing of the Shroud in the afternoon, and the Matins of Holy Saturday with Lamentations and Procession in the evening.
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Holy Saturday - 04/11/15
On Holy Saturday morning, parishoners gathered to celebrate the Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great with the 15 Old Testament Readings.
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St. Mark's Orthodox Church
452 Durham Rd
Wrightstown, PA 18940