Attention Schedule Change
The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul will be celebrated with a Vesperal Divine Liturgy on Friday at 7pm. There is no Divine Liturgy on Saturday. Apologies for this schedule change.
Welcome to Our Parish!
St. Mark's Orthodox Church is a pan-orthodox parish in the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania of the Orthodox Church in America. We are a growing, active parish with a deep love for the traditional life of the Eastern Orthodox faith. Please examine our website to become acquainted, but better still come and visit us for any of our services. The About tab includes a comprehensive presentation about the Orthodox Christian Church, our Calendar tab provides you with the usual schedule and the monthly schedule. And our Media tab provides access to weekly bulletins and other forms of media information and documentation about our parish. Resources provide links to a variety of educational, liturgical and church related content. The Donate button offers you the opportunity to financially support us as the Lord inspires you, while our Capital Campaign tab will have information on the campaign we hope to have for our building/expansion project.
In the Incarnate Word of God,
Father Raymond Martin and the Faithful of St. Mark's
St. Mark's Orthodox Church
452 Durham Road; Wrightstown, PA 18940
(215) 860-9640
Come and Worship
All are welcome to worship with us! Sunday Divine Liturgy is at 9:30am. See our calendar for more service times.
Prayer Requests
If you have a prayer request for yourself or others, please let us know and we'd be happy to pray for you and your loved ones.
Our church services are being livestreamed to our website and our Facebook page. Watch the livestream here.
Speak with Priest
Father Raymond Martin is available to speak with you about any questions that you might have. Make an appointment here.

On the Transfiguration
A high mountain, on which Moses and Elijah came to speak with Christ; a high mountain, on which the Law and the Prophets conversed with Grace; a high mountain, where Moses was, who slew the paschal lamb and sprinkled the doorposts of the Hebrews with its blood; a high mountain where Elijah cut up a bull in their presence, consumed by fire a sacrifice made in water; a high mountain where Moses was, who opened and shut the depths of the Red Sea; a high mountain, so that those with Peter and James might learn that this is he, before whom every knee shall bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth.
Proclus of Constantinople. Homily on the Transfiguration of the Savior.

Service Schedule
I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.
Psalm 122:1